Youth Community Councils will Govern UP

“Work locally, act nationally, think globally”
May 3, 2018
Youth Alumni Idols
August 17, 2020

During the period 21-22 March 2019, Center for Economic Policy Analysis and Consulting – CEPAC, with the support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division organized a two-day seminar “Youth community councils will govern UP”, which was attended by representatives from local youth councils from eight statistical regions, the youth advice / organizations and academia.

The positive image of the seminar was especially expressed, because all participants expressed satisfaction with the possibility of contribution and the need for information on NATO at the local level.

Throughout the seminar audiences was addressed by; Deputy Minister of Local Self-Government Dejan Pavleski, former Chief of General Staff of the ARM Lieutenant General (R) Miroslav Stojanovski, former Minister of Defense / Local Self-Government Zoran Konjanovski, Zoran Sekulovski, Valentina Mutunska Paleska, Aleksandra Dichevska and Nastasija Stojanovic.

On the two-day seminar “Local youth councils will guide” the lecturers discussed the topics: Real expectations of the youth from NATO membership, development of communication skills in the process of transferring the actual information / facts about NATO at the local level, legal aspects and management the local youth organizations and their infrastructure, the path of our country for full membership in NATO, followed by panel discussions.